Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy Birthday to H!

It's almost my darling dear, H's 5th birthday and my how she has grown. When I met H, she had just turned 3, and I'll be honest, our relationship didn't have the easiest start. I spent a decent amount of time thinking (and venting to Charlotte), "I'm not so sure about this," "Toddlers are exhausting," "I don't understand 3 year olds"," No I do not want to play ponies," "maybe I should stick to babies," and "Yeah babies are definitely my thing," are just a few of the phrases than ran through my mind during the first few months. Keep in mind, H's family was my first nanny family. My first experience working with toddlers, working with babies, working with parents, in someone else's house, etc. And for this reason, among many others, they will always be held very close to my heart.

Anyways, as time went on, H and I grew closer. I began to understand her. I grew to love her. And she taught me a lot. Seriously, a lot. She taught me how loud a child can scream. She taught me how to recognize when a child is lying. She taught me the power (both positive, and negative) of the word "No". But most of all, she taught me the meaning of unconditional, popcorn-and-movie-day, jumping-in-rain-puddles, cuddling-till-you-fall-asleep, love. 

And my how I love that girl. And her wide smile. And her silliness. And her sweet voice. And her ability to care and watch over those around her. And the way she looks out for her sister. And they way she runs and jumps into my arms with so much force that she knocks the glasses of my head and breaks them in the middle of McDonald's. Yes, I love her. Always and forever. Every minute of every day of every month and year. 

Here are a couple of pictures of the treats that H and I made today for her to take to school on her birthday!:

Happy Birthday my darling dear! Nanny loves you so very much<3

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